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Matthew Mezey's activity

In group: Systems Convening community of practice

Image of 'Matthew Mezey
  • Matthew Mezey posted an update in the group Systems Convening community of practice 1 week, 1 day ago

    *Reminder* Interested in how to evaluate the impact of your Systems Convening work?

    Join the community of practice Zoom tomorrow: ‘Case Clinic: How to produce an effective evaluation of a Systems Convening team‘ (Tues, 4pm) – join us/share your experiences.

    Link to register.

    More info:

    This session will focus on helping with a challenge being brought by two organisations: producing impact evaluations of their Systems Convening teams. (The organisations are Hackney Council, and the Q Community of health and care improvers).

    The aim of the session is to offer help with their challenge – through participants sharing their own related experiences and stories, and giving their advice to help with this evaluation challenge (as well as discussing the advice that others give).

    Basically, an opportunity for us all to struggle together with the challenge of good evaluation, which needs to be both authoritative and effective for our organisations, but also authentic in the sense of understanding the real work of Systems Conveners and its importance.