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  • Haydn Childs posted an update in the group Tools and resources to help support Networks and Network leaders 3 months, 2 weeks ago

    Hi All, 

    As part of our QI Cornwall project, part of this improvement is to improve and grow our networks across Health & Care. We have made a lot of ground through individual/small group engagement, but I wondered if anyone had any ideas or thoughts on wider engagement and particularly getting those outside of immediate ‘healthcare’ to join us? Thinking around social care, mental health services, voluntary, local authorities etc.. Would appreciate anyones thoughts/ideas! Apologies if this isn’t the best way to reach you all! 

    Thanks in advance!


    • Hi Hadyn

      These resources may be helpful

      Improve your periphery/Who’s missing?
      June Holley
      An exercise to identify and reach out to crucial individuals or types of people who are missing from your network

      Network Toolkit

      Mapping Your Network
      June Holley shared on Synergy Commons
      Social Network Mapping is a powerful way to visualize your network. Although hand drawn maps do not have the detail of web-based network maps, they do help people visualize their network and start to take
      responsibility for making their networks healthier and more effective

      There are more ideas in the tools and resources booklet in the document section of this SIG, you can also download here .

      In my own experience, its about thinking why would they want to join you? often we ‘need’ others for something we are doing so reach out, but the others may feel they have other priorities and perhaps have met with no response when they have reached out. Building relationships of trust and understanding can help build bridges across non traditional boundaries.

      This liberating structure may be of interest
      Illuminating and Improving How We Work Together

      What is made possible? Illustrating how work is coordinated among individuals and groups evokes new ideas for improving social dynamics and, thus, outcomes. Research demonstrates that Relational Coordination – how people on teams communicate and relate – has a direct and powerful impact on quality, safety, efficiency and satisfaction among customers and staff.

      When you are mapping you can also find out where networks overlap, so building on one relationship helps connect to others

      It may also be helpful to look at the various network roles current members have , check out page 19 to 24 in the reflective workbook on understanding my networks and roles within them as that can help identify who perhaps can focus on different elements of your network development. also available here

      Finding a common vision to work towards can help bring people together. Happy to discuss further if you want to chat, my email is

      It takes time and patience and understanding, and can take a lot more work than we realise, so also make sure those seeking to develop this network also make time to look after themselves

      kind regards