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Helen Seers's activity

In group: Evaluation

Image of 'Helen Seers
  • Helen Seers posted an update in the group Evaluation 3 weeks, 1 day ago

    Hi there I am an evaluator and member of Q.  I have a real world piece of research rolling and I’d like to disseminate it if possible:

    I have a survey I’d like people to fill in about the Church of England – trying to reach people in Bristol/ Swindon, please pass this message on/ fill in the survey and have your say!


    We are trying to reach as many people as we can (including those not involved with the Church) to get a wide range of views. The information gathered will inform how local churches can better support and strengthen communities and social action in the local area. The survey is open until 30 June 2024 and one lucky entrant will win a £100 voucher for a supermarket of their choice. You can find out more about our company here Thank you so much!

    • Hi Helen – is there a tweet about this? I’m be very happy to retweet it myself…

      Do you know if there are any NHS VCSE Partnership Leads on your patch? Encourage all of them to fill it in, perhaps?
      If stuck, try to contact Carrie MacKenzie (spelling?) at NHSE, who l think leads the national peer network for all these lead roles.

      Slight tangent, but have you thought of doing a systems map of the churches and social orgs in the area, and how connected – or not connected – they are? (Or even tracking the strength of those connections over time? Has anyone done such mapping involving the Church of England, I’d love to know?!).

      You can even uncover research findings that reveal what’s most central in the community, and whether that’s where the resources are going or not! @drewmackie can tell you more about all things mapping.

      PS I once spend an hour or so having a private chat with the Bishop of London, due to our shared interest in ‘Integral’ approaches (developed by philosopher/mystic Ken Wilber).
      He briefly mentioned ‘Deep Church’ groups to me at one point.

      They’re so darned ‘deep’, it seems, that I’m still unable to find any trace of them, even after a decade or two!

      Maybe they’re secretly out there fixing our communities? 😉