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In group: Quality Management in Healthcare

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  • Thomas John Rose posted an update in the group Quality Management in Healthcare 3 weeks, 3 days ago

    The ISO standard management system

    ISO 9001 provides the framework for a number of other ISO standards that follow the same basic management system principles, often referred to as the High-Level Structure (HLS). These standards can be integrated with each other, facilitating streamlined management of various aspects of an organization. These standards are designed to be compatible with each other, enabling organizations to create a cohesive and comprehensive management system that addresses multiple aspects of performance, risk, and compliance.

    Here are some key ISO standards that use the same basic management system structure as ISO 9001:

    ISO 7101: Healthcare Organization Management – Focuses on quality in healthcare.

    ISO 14001: Environmental Management Systems – Focuses on environmental performance.

    ISO 45001: Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems – Focuses on occupational health and safety performance.

    ISO 50001: Energy Management Systems – Focuses on energy performance and efficiency.

    ISO 27001: Information Security Management Systems – Focuses on information security.

    ISO 22301: Business Continuity Management Systems – Focuses on business continuity planning and risk management.

    ISO 22000: Food Safety Management Systems – Focuses on food safety along the food chain.

    ISO 13485: Medical Devices Quality Management Systems – Specific to the medical devices industry, focusing on quality management.

    ISO 20000-1: Information Technology Service Management – Focuses on the management of IT services.

    ISO 21001: Educational Organizations Management Systems – Focuses on the management systems of educational organizations.

    ISO 37001: Anti-Bribery Management Systems – Focuses on anti-bribery measures within an organization.

    ISO 55001: Asset Management Systems – Focuses on managing an organization’s assets effectively.

    ISO 41001: Facility Management Systems – Focuses on the management of facilities.

    ISO 37301: Compliance Management Systems – Focuses on compliance management, including regulatory compliance.