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Julia Wood's activity

In group: Improving Joy in Work

Image of 'Julia Wood
  • Julia Wood posted an update in the group Improving Joy in Work 1 month, 3 weeks ago

    Most of us attend far too many meetings. 

    Research by Notta tells us that only 11% of meetings are considered productive – 11%. 

    Meetings should be like salt! 

    Which ones could you stop going to? 

    • So very true, and it appears to be worse with the amount of hybrid working we do.
      The question is therefore “What can we do about it?”
      A few ideas would include having:
      *Strong terms of reference for the meeting, and regular reviews asking “Is this meeting meeting the brief?”
      *The question forefront in the minds of chairs and attendees alike “Are the attendees correct for the meeting?”
      *… And most of all, asking the question “What is the purpose of meeting?” and if it’s an all-points communication, would an email be better; if it’s to answer a question can you do it asynchronously through something like Teams Chat, or LucidSpark boards or another, accessible tool; if it’s to gain agreement – can you hold a poll
      The point being that if you’re ‘assertive’ with the list of meetings you have in your calendar, I bet you can avoid having quite so many.
      And if there’s no avoiding them, unless they’re formal meetings, liven them up as much as you can!