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Joriam Ramos's activity

In group: Liberating Structures in healthcare

Image of 'Joriam Ramos
  • Joriam Ramos posted an update in the group Liberating Structures in healthcare 3 weeks ago

    Hey folks, the LS is one of the most integrated and active SIGs we’ve got – over the years I’ve seen so many of you meeting and learning together, and I was here hoping I could entice you to bring that same energy, that same tight web to another, newer space.

    Since January we’ve been organising connection calls (next one is Monday, Apr 15th), 25mins facilitated spaces aimed at introducing you to 3 other Q members.

    So far, the feedback’s been stellar, with people saying “I really enjoyed it – three really great people! Glad I joined.”

    This SIG might be the one that needs this call the least, as we’re very good at connecting! But at the same time, the energy you folks can bring is a game changer. I think it would really be a blast if you can come, meet new allies and share your experiences.

    Hope I see your faces over there 🙂