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In group: Philosophy and ethics for health care improvement

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  • Thomas John Rose posted an update in the group Philosophy and ethics for health care improvement 5 months, 3 weeks ago

    I read a lot about a ‘Learning Health System’ but what is it? I think that two aspects of healthcare should be equally represented in such a system. These two aspect are: 1. Clinical and 2. Operational. The output from a Quality Management System would add Learning to both aspects.

    • The only way that you learn from error is by changing what you do. First you have to know and understand what you do. How do you do that?

    • Hello, Thomas. I am not sure I understand or accept as true “The only way that you learn from error is by changing what you do”. Is ‘error’ being used in a narrower and/or more technical sense than we might reasonably interpret ‘mistake’. Can I not learn that something I did was a mistake, and learn from it, and then try to change what I do if a similar circumstance arises (rather than have to do something differently to learn from my mistake)? Is there a specific context in which the statement (and our subsequent question) is intended to apply?

      • Vikki, Thanks foe your comment. I guess so. I think that. although I’m not sure, I’m referring to what action we take after the publication of a report fallowing a major enquiry into an issue in a trust. But – it should be so after any recorded mistake – that if is of there was a no blame culture and. pipe dream, some form of standard work in the NHS so these things could actually be recorded instead if being swept under the carpet. Just have a look at the health and safety triangle.