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Thomas John Rose's activity

In group: Quality Management in Healthcare

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  • Thomas John Rose posted an update in the group Quality Management in Healthcare 10 months, 1 week ago

    I read a lot about a ‘Learning Health System’ but what is it? I think that two aspects of healthcare should be equally represented in such a system. These two aspect are: 1. Clinical and 2. Operational. The output from a Quality Management System would add Learning to both aspects.

    • The only way that you learn from error is by changing what you do. First you have to know and understand what you do. How do you do that?

      • “The only way that you learn from error is by changing what you do.”
        I’m not sure that is absolutely true Tom. You must certainly be prepared to change what you do, but that needs to be preceded by critically examining what happened & as you say knowing what & how you expect to do it. The first part is hopefully relatively easy, but in the absence of Standard work / process / … the later part can be more difficult.

      • Yes, you are right Ian. I now use the term NHS Standard Process rather that Standard Work. I think it’s a pre-requisite to not only learning but PMS, QMS and SMS. It would be a great help in the application of PSIRF as well. NHS Standard Process differentiates between operational tasks and clinical tasks in the same process. It documents them differently.