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In group: Q in Cymru / Wales

Image of 'Andrew Ware
  • Andrew Ware posted an update in the group Q in Cymru / Wales 7 months, 1 week ago

    Ok Q Cymru, let’s see what a hive mind can do.

    A question asked on twitter – “Do you know of a PREM that captures experiences of waiting in healthcare?”

    Short answer yes, long answer no from me.

    There are many. A quick search and I found these, with one I thought would crop up and didn’t- 

    The Friends and Family Test (FFT): Originally used in the NHS, this survey asks patients if they would recommend the service to their friends and family and often includes questions about waiting times and experiences.
    The Patient Experience Questionnaire (PEQ): This questionnaire covers various aspects of patient experience, including waiting times, communication, and satisfaction with the service.
    The Patient Experience of Emotional Support (PEES): Focuses specifically on patient experiences of emotional support services, including aspects of the waiting process.
    The Client Satisfaction Questionnaire (CSQ): While primarily focused on satisfaction with services, it often includes questions about wait times and overall experiences.
    The Session Rating Scale (SRS) and Outcome Rating Scale (ORS): Although more focused on therapy sessions and outcomes, they may also gather information about wait times and experiences in the initial stages of therapy.
    The Measure of Processes of Care (MPOC): While originally designed for pediatric services, it includes aspects related to waiting and access to care that might be applicable to psychological therapy services.

    Does anyone use anything else ? Trying to look for a systematic review and validated PREMS brought back 86.

    Let me know in the comments what you use or have used. Recommendations of anything tried and tested welcome. 




    • I should add, this has been asked by a fellow Q Cymru member. We’d really appreciate any advice or opinions on what has worked well or what to use wisely.
      Anything would make a big difference and save time by ground the rest of the community has already covered.

    • Hi Andy

      Not really a PREM, but if thinking about waiting lists then looking at patient safety incidents can be important. This might be things like cardiac deaths while awaiting surgery, or significant deterioration in a patient’s condition that could have been avoided if treatment was given within target timescales. These types of incidents can be hard to detect, but in my experience, clinicians are pretty good at reporting this harm.

      • Hi Matt,

        Good to hear from you. Hope you are well?

        This is a great point. Part of the work I am helping with currently includes looking at what is happening while they wait, including other services that are accessed because the patient is waiting, rather than being complimentary to it. Previous areas with this sort of work was data rich from professionals in secondary care, let alone the safety incidents.
        In my context, the patients are in the community, but you have given me an avenue to pursue with this idea which can be used in conjunction with a PREM.

        Thanks very much!