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Joriam Ramos's activity

In group: Psychology for Improvement

Image of 'Joriam Ramos
  • Joriam Ramos posted an update in the group Psychology for Improvement 1 year ago

    Join us today (Tue 20th, at noon) for another co-production session, this time exploring ‘More than Raw Data: building a Culture of Co-production’

    As we all know here in this SIG, the task of building a culture rather than just practices seems herculean – but some tools might help us get there faster and easier. In this session, Katie will explore a graphic she and her team created to help them frame this culture-building in a practical way.

    Hope to see you there 🙂

    • Hello,
      I was really hoping to catch this session but wont be able to make it today, will there be an opportunity to see this recorded or any future sessions?
      Best wishes