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Fay Bayliss's activity

In group: Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Q

Image of 'Fay Bayliss
  • Fay Bayliss posted an update in the group Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Q 4 years, 8 months ago

    Hi All,
    First of all, welcome to the newcomers!! and thank you all for your patience as our QCommunity is slowly taking shape.

    Hot off the press….
    The Patient-Centred Leadership Framework has just been approved at the LLR System Leadership Team. Yay!

    This means we can go ahead and develop our virtual portal and start to build a driving team to unite our system improvement efforts.

    Please help us to grow our improvement movement and Tweet about your work using the hashtags: #moregooddays #teamofteams and #LLRQI so that we can really create a feeling of system cohesion and improvement.

    We’re working with LLR Comms teams to create a narrative about what #moregooddays means and we’ll be setting up some system events to promote the the new Framework, so please keep your eyes and ears open and help spread the messages across social media.

    Please encourage your teams to join our LLRQ SIG so that we can create the critical mass of people we need to really make a sustainable difference.

    I look forward to getting to know you all a bit better over the coming months as we’re also exploring ways of having ‘virtual’ conversations through Skpye, Zoom or something else. If anyone has any good ideas or previous experience around this, please shout up!

    Best Wishes,