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Michelle Kirkwood

Knowledge Services Manager

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

Image of 'Michelle Kirkwood

Q Exchange ideas

  • Concussion

    We aim to form a role that would develop and then directly implement a pathway by directing patients recently diagnosed with a concussion to appropriate information and services.

  • MS service redesign reducing waitlist times for diagnosis referrals.

    To review patient pathways for suspected MS patients to increase early initiation of DMTs and improved clinical outcomes. Also reducing the waiting list for general neurology referrals.

  • Neurophysiology

    Our proposal is to establish a satellite NCS service in Lanarkshire, initially delivering one clinic per week performed by a physiologist on a portable EMG machine.

  • Rapid access to remote spinal cord injury therapy services

    We aim to co-create a remote specialist SCI-therapy service that would enable equal/rapid access to remote re-assessment, advice and signposting and training for patients, carers and generic community-based care/rehabilitation services.

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