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Maria Dorthea Skov's activity

In group: Liberating Structures in healthcare

Image of 'Maria Dorthea Skov
  • Maria Dorthea Skov posted an update in the group Liberating Structures in healthcare 3 weeks, 2 days ago

    Hi all, hope you’ve had a good start to June! 

    On Thursday @12-1pm, at the monthly meet-up, we’ll be trying out Liberating Structure Agreement-Certainty Matrix guided by our peers @petrabee and @afrakelsall. Instead of bringing our individual challenges we’ll all be working with this scenario:

    You have recently taken a new leadership role in a well established team and want to bring everyone together around a common vision. What do you perceive the challenges to be?

    We will then on our own, and later in groups, think through potential challenges, determine whether they are simple, complicated, complex, or chaotic (as instructed) and discuss whether we have appropriate solutions. 

    It’s the first time we’re trying Agreement-Certainty Matrix in this community. Hope you can join us! It’ll be fun and experimental ‘learning-by-doing’. 

    Register here to receive the Zoom link: