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Krishna Nair's activity

In group: Achieving equity through QI

Image of 'Krishna Nair
  • Krishna Nair posted an update in the group Achieving equity through QI 1 month ago

    Dear all, we need your support to transform patient care! Please vote for our project, “Reducing Inequalities in Wound Care for Our Vulnerable Population,” in the Q Exchange funding round starting tomorrow (Wednesday, 29 May 2024). You can find our project here:

    Our initiative targets vulnerable groups in Yorkshire, including the homeless and those struggling with substance misuse, by providing accessible, effective wound care directly in community spaces where they feel most secure. This project not only aims to reduce hospital visits and improve patient outcomes but also aligns with Locala’s Service Transformation Strategy and the broader objectives of the Kirklees Health and Care Partnership.

    By voting for us, you’re supporting a sustainable model of care that transcends traditional boundaries, ensuring everyone receives the care they need, regardless of their circumstances.
    Thank you for your kind support!

    Best regards,

    • Hi @krishna-nair I’m part of the Convener Team 🙂

      It’s great to see you engaging with the SIGs to support your Q Exchange project, and of course we’d love to have you creating great conversations and buzz to your cause. But alas, today I woke up with 28 identical messages from you to different groups – and I’m afraid this will discourage people, rather than encourange them.

      If you want to engage with SIGs, your main intention should be engaging people in conversation. So a more targeted, relevant message that addresses that group in particular. Digital spam is never welcomed, and I’m afraid that’s what I’m seeing here.

      If you’d like to chat on how you could better engage our network, please reply here and we can schedule something. Until, I urge you not to send repeat messages to so many groups again.


      • Hi Joriam,

        Thank you for reaching out and for your feedback. I apologise for the multiple messages and any inconvenience caused. My intention was to engage and inform, but I understand your concerns about the approach. Thank you again for your understanding and guidance.

        Best regards,

      • I know those things are rather difficult, @krishna-nair! It’s not your fault at all.

        But hey, there are very productive ways to engage with the community – and as much as they feel ‘smaller’, they’re the ones that actually pique people’s interest. Try to chose one or two SIGs and bring questions that are focused on those groups’ interests and concerns. This way you really engage people, instead of numbers.

        And as I mentioned, if you’re not 100% sure how to do this, you can send me a private message with your email and I’ll be happy to provide some directed guidance 🙂 cheers,