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Chloe Reeves


London Road Policy & Projects

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Hello, I’m Chloë. I’m the Director of London Road Policy & Projects, which is a charity and public sector consultancy with a particular focus on health and social care.

I’ve led research projects and advocacy campaigns, including the British Red Cross’s 'Prevention in Action' campaign, which secured amendments to primary legislation. I’m especially experienced in delivering projects that bring together people and organisations with different perspectives and ways of working, including the Richmond Group of Charities’ Doing the Right Thing programme.

I'm a Churchill Fellow and recently travelled to the Netherlands and Sweden to look at third sector contributions to Buurtzorg. Please do get in touch if you'd like to chat about this, including what it could mean for social prescribing in the UK.

I’ve chosen a career in health and social care because of my experiences as a carer. Some of my experiences have been good, but others have been poor. Most of the stories aren’t mine to tell, but I believe health and care can be better than they are.

I’m a Trustee of Irise International and an RSA Fellow. I enjoy living by the sea, video gaming, birdwatching and exploring historic pubs.

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