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Ann Hepworth

Director of System Improvement

NHSEI London Region

Image of 'Ann Hepworth


Ann recently returned to the NHS in 2014 after a ten-year gap into the role of Director of System Improvement for NHSE/I London Region. In the first 20 years of her career, Ann worked across a breadth of NHS organisations in London and the South East, including providers, commissioners, the Modernisation Agency, Regional Office and Strategic Health Authorities, progressing from HR roles into learning and development, organisational development and finally into performance development roles.

Having set up her own OD and leadership consultancy, Ann has worked on partnership projects with KPMG and Optum on CCG authorisation, which led onto her involvement on new models of care for out of hospital services and most recently, designing and delivering a range of NHSEI national programmes including the Commissioning Capabilities Programme, Aspirant ICS Programme and, most recently, the Population Health Management Programme.

Passionate about the alignment of strategy, leadership and culture to deliver performance, Ann has found herself back in the NHS at one of the most challenging, yet exciting times and is driven by the opportunity of working with London leaders to achieve our vision of being the healthiest global city with the best health and care services.

Given her significant experience in leadership and organisational development, Ann has been asked to join the Workforce Cell to lead Priority 6 – caring for and celebrating our people.

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