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Paul Anthony Gimson's activity

In group: Videos & Podcasts

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  • Paul Anthony Gimson posted an update in the group Videos & Podcasts 2 weeks, 6 days ago

    Hi all,

    Been running a medicines related podcast for a few years with some success. We’ve done a few live shows and even done a live show!

    However we are stuck on about 600 regular listeners and struggling to grow. We are three middle aged blokes so rubbish on social media which I suspect might be what we want to think about!

    Anyhow – I’d welcome any ideas!

    the podcast is the Aural Apothecary – edgy but authentic chat about medicines. Everyone has a medicines related story…

    The Aural Apothecary


    • I would be pleased with those figures! That’s a loyal following on a niche subject.

      I think some of my plans to grow the podcast you are already doing- threads on X, getting your guests tagged and sharing, LinkedIn posts.

      These are some questions I’m using to plan how to share and grow our new podcast. It’s time consuming to be everywhere on social media, so which bits and types of content will send people over to listen?

      Who is your target audience and where do they hang out?

      Who are they following?

      What kind of content are these account/people/podcasts putting out?

      What do you have in common with these two different groups of people?

    • +1 to what Jo said, Paul, I think 600 regulars on a niche topic is quite something 🙂

      Besides the usual social media hustle, have you thought about guests? If you ask your guests to help you with promotion, you get exposed to a highly-relevant new audience. Besides, it adds variety to the podcast episodes themselves.