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Maria Dorthea Skov's activity

In group: Liberating Structures in healthcare

Image of 'Maria Dorthea Skov
  • Maria Dorthea Skov posted an update in the group Liberating Structures in healthcare 4 months, 1 week ago

    Are you currently facing a challenge but struggling to find the right method to help solve it? Maybe you’re unclear on the nature of the challenge?

    At the next Liberating Structures meet-up (happening in two weeks on June 6th) we’ll be trying out Agreement-Certainty Matrix – a tool for understanding complexity in which we’ll ask two questions that makes it possible to easily sort our challenges into four categories: simple, complicated, complex, and chaotic.

    As Albert Einstein said: If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on the solution, I would spend the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask…

    (Who else loves the quotes they sometimes have at the top of the pages on the LS site? 🙂 )

    Hope you can make it! Don’t forgot to register: