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Helen Tucker's activity

In group: Community Hospitals SIG: sharing good practice

Image of 'Helen Tucker
  • Helen Tucker posted an update in the group Community Hospitals SIG: sharing good practice 8 months ago

    Your Views on our SIG – Read the Survey Results 

    Thank you to those of you who took the trouble to say what you thought of the SIG and what you would like in the future.  These are some headlines:

    * Members value sharing information with other SIG members “Hearing directly from SIG members about their experience and practice” 
    * Members found the SIG Page useful particularly on discussion groups and outcomes and suggested “More contributions from SIG members.”
    * Discussion Groups are: “Enjoyable, friendly, relaxed and informative”
    * The majority said they would attend our 2024 National Event
    * Members said what they would like from the SIG: “More guidelines.” “Joint projects with other SIGs.”“Local networking meetings.