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Emma Stinton's activity

In group: Delivering Virtual Training (#ConnectingImprovers)

Image of 'Emma Stinton
  • Emma Stinton posted an update in the group Delivering Virtual Training (#ConnectingImprovers) 3 years, 9 months ago

    Grand Designs help please!
    Hi. This group has been really helpful when getting our virtual training up and running. Thank you. I’m looking at incorporating the Grand Designs simulation in to our Yellow Belt (not loving the coins at the moment). I can’t seem to find the right template on Miro to use. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Many thanks.

    • Adding to this – those who have tried any kind of simulation where the delegates virtually build something – do you ask them to log on to the relevant platform, Miro for example, and then they share their screen with others in their break out room. If so has it been ok or too complicated?

      • Hi Emma, we have translated Mr Potato Head exercise to Miro and ask them to log onto Miro and use that via breakout rooms in either Teams or Zoom. We try to deliver all content from Miro and once they are in a breakout room they don’t need to share screen as they all log on to Miro – it is obviously better if they have 2 screens but having them all on Miro increases the engagement and interaction. We have had some confusion when sharing the Miro screen on Teams/Zoom so we try and limit that to presenting and demonstrating only. Hope that helps

    • I really would like to know how you did Mr Potato Head exercise on Miro. Can I please link with you Chris? My email is

    • Thanks Chris. I’ve just changed my instructions so everyone is on Miro. That makes a lot of sense and even means they can have more than one builder.

      Krishna I’ve not done a virtual Mr Potato Head but was thinking about it. I was going to pre generate shapes on a Miro board that the participants could use but include more than they needed. Good luck!

    • Hello,
      do you have to pay to have a Miro account for this exercise or does it work on the free version?

      • Hi Claire,

        It works well on the free version, that’s what we’ve been using to date. We are thinking of purchasing the enhanced version so we can have more than 3 board running at once, especially as we will start to use it for pathway redesign work too.

        3 boards have been ok though as they are so ‘big’ you can add lots on to the same board. By the end of our Yellow Belt training each group had a house, fishbone, 5 whys and a process map on their board. It makes a nice alternative to having it on the wall for everyone to see.

    • Hi Emma,
      Thanks for the info. Going to have a go with Miro with a colleague today to test it out.