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Peter Dudgeon's activity

In group: Improving Improvement (Q Exchange project)

Image of 'Peter Dudgeon
  • Peter Dudgeon posted an update in the group Improving Improvement (Q Exchange project) 4 years, 2 months ago

    We would like to offer you a quick update on progress so far, and also make an invitation for you to join us virtually on the 19th of May from 10:00 until 13:00 for a training workshop.
    We ran our initial virtual workshop on the 2nd of April. During this we gave an overview of Systems, Design and Risk thinking, as well as introducing people to some practical tools/templates to start using within their own projects. We videoed that session and, if you would like to catch up on this, please let me know and I’ll make the video available to you. The session on the 19th of May is a follow-up to this, and we are confident that, if you were unable to attend the first session, having caught up on the video, you will be in a good position to join us, and get the most from it. If you’re interested, here’s the Eventbrite link for further information and sign up:
    Those attending will gain access to an extensive toolkit, as well as project mentoring over the next 12 months. All sessions are provided courtesy of The Health Foundation via Q Exchange . If you are unable to attend but believe a colleague would benefit from this, please ask them to contact me.
    All the best everyone.

    • Thanks Peter, I’d be interested in accessing the video and attending the 2nd workshop in May

    • Hi Peter please can you send me the recording of the 1st and this one once taken place as I am unlikely to make it unfortunately due to childcare responsibilities. Thank you

      • Hi Rachel, thanks very much for your interest. Because the videos are so large, I’ve been using to send them out. To do this, all I’ll need is your email address, so please email me at, and I’ll make sure you get them. All the best, Pete