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Q Exchange

Place Based Collaboration: a digitally enabled Neighbourhood Improvement Community

We want to accelerate our ICS's ambitious Place-based programmes by developing a digitally enabled Neighbourhood Improvement Community, supporting colleagues to learn, connect, cooperate and lead change.

  • Proposal
  • 2022

Meet the team


  • Bronwyn Barnes (Head of Locality Development)
  • Jo White (Deputy Director of Locality Development and Primary Care)
  • Jane Lee (Improvement Community, Project Manager)
  • Una Rice (Head of Digital Integration & Interoperability)

What is the challenge your project is going to address and how does it connect to the theme?

One Gloucestershire partners are committed to working collaboratively, and already have a strong place-based perspective on improving outcomes for, and with, our local communities. We at the forefront of adopting Population Health Management (PHM) approaches, with a range of new initiatives developing through our six Integrated Locality Partnerships, and all 15 Primary Care Networks now developing a programme of Quality Improvement projects, with contributors from our 71 GP practices. Some key themes from these place-based projects include:-

  • frailty and dementia community-based services and aging well initiatives
  • addressing health inequalities e.g. improving cancer screening uptake
  • support for young people’s mental health
  • building community capacity through volunteering networks.

Our neighbourhood focus will be a powerful catalyst to ambitious system change.  However, we are distributed across many organisations, a wide geography and hundreds of settings. We need a cohesive enabling space that builds our collective capacity to deliver sustainable place-based improvement projects.

What does your project aim to achieve?

One Gloucestershire is building a vibrant improvement culture across our system, and we want to use this Q-exchange opportunity to enable improvement initiatives rooted in local place-based leadership, with our aims to:-

  1. Strengthen improvement capability in our Neighbourhoods (PCNs) and localities (ILPs), empowering colleagues to initiate, connect and deliver successful projects aligned to overall system priorities.
  2. Develop, test and deliver blended learning programmes through in-person, digital and virtual environments. Open to colleagues in primary care, local councils, the voluntary and charitable sector.
  3. Encourage cooperative learning and spread of innovation through a Sharing Space for colleagues to connect and engage.
  4. Promote skills for co-production in primary care with service user and partner organisations.
  5. Join-up with leading QI expertise in ICS leading NHS Trust partners.
  6. Build a QI leadership cadre in across primary care and locality teams, with new advanced practitioners, QI coaches and “Q” members.

How will the project be delivered?

One Gloucestershire already has a strong local infrastructure with Integrated Locality Partnerships and delivery plans with PCNs, and QI expertise advising from across our system. We are therefore ready to co-design a QI enabling programme and sharing platform model for local place-based initiatives with our primary care and locality-based colleagues.

  1. Form core project team, and steering design group.
  2. Scope and co-design learning programmes with key stakeholders including Primary Care Clinical Directors, PCN Business Managers and Locality Teams.
  3. Work with Digital and Communications teams on Sharing Space scoping, option appraisal and development.
  4. Apply PDSA approach to test programmes and Sharing Space with agreed localities and cohorts of colleagues, and initial locality areas.
  5. Develop plans to further develop and embed programmes.

A robust evaluation plan will be developed, our initial ideas are included in the “Sharing Learning” section.

How is your project going to share learning?

The project will be overseen by the One Gloucestershire Improvement Community board to ensure local steering, visibility and sharing of learning on an ongoing basis.

As the project progresses, we will plan to share our design, programme learning and successes from some of the participant projects to a wider audience. This will be through a number of routes including:-

  • Regional and national PHM and primary care networks.
  • The Q community
  • Delivering Improvement Network
  • Collaboration with WEAHSN improvement and digital colleagues
  • Countywide Integrated Locality Partnership best practice sharing event forum

Our team will develop a clear evaluation plan for the project, with perspectives including:-

  • Overall development of a culture of improvement, skills & knowledge
  • Activity, numbers of projects, people and connections
  • Degree of spread assessments: level of awareness, interest, decision & action to adopt & adapt
  • Usefulness and functionality of platform (right level of information and a joy to use)

How you can contribute

  • Your experience of primary care led QI learning for system improvement.
  • We would like to collaborate, test or adopt any digital toolkits and learning platforms.
  • We would like to learn from other people’s best practice in communicating QI learning in very accessible ways for busy primary care and locality professionals.
  • We would like to harness the energy and enthusiasm of members from our maturing partnerships at locality and neighbourhood levels to further QI in Gloucestershire neighbourhoods and localities for the benefit of Gloucestershire people.

Plan timeline

13 Feb 2022 Sustain participation with further Neighbourhood Engagement
6 Mar 2022 Core team identify problem and scope initial idea
21 Mar 2022 Consult with Neighbourhood and other key partners on proposal
31 May 2022 Interim Parallel QI Awareness Work with Neighbourhoods (awaiting decision)
30 Jun 2022 Appoint Project Manager & QI Coach
12 Jul 2022 Approval for Project Plan and Evaluation Approach with Improvement Board
17 Jul 2022 Commence Summer QI Project Coaching Series
29 Jul 2022 Establish Baseline Data Set & commence collection for evaluation
22 Aug 2022 Commence of design and build of Digital Neighbood Platform
3 Oct 2022 Progress "PDSA" cycles, with live projects, with Digital Platform
16 Oct 2022 Commence Autumn QI Project Coaching Series
5 Feb 2023 "Launch" & share developed platform
19 Mar 2023 Collate and write-up evaluation, share with Improvement Board
31 Mar 2023 Embed support with One Glos Improvement Community Team