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1 year fixed term post for Digital Practitioner trial

Creation of the post for Digital practitioner to scale up digital technologies adoption from both staff and users from different population groups

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  • Idea
  • 2022

Meet the team


  • Robin Hamilton Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
  • Luke Nicholson Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
  • Jonah Nago Lead Nurse Medical Retina Service

What is the challenge your project is going to address and how does it connect to the theme?

Digital transformation has been accelerated in ophthalmology and taken centre stage post covid 19. Digital technologies application include the use of home monitoring devices, digital technologies such as artificial intelligence , and digital technology enhanced patient pathways. However the appear to be disparities between digital technology literacy amongst service users(patients) and service providers. Furthermore, digital technology adoption and adaption varies from different population groups.

The objective of creating this one year fixed term post is to address the following

digital literacy amongst different population groups in scaling digital innovation in the medical retina service

Address digital literacy amongst staff to improve ownership and user experience with the use of technology

Address potential digital inequalities related to the use of digital technologies

Patient population group and the use of technologies

Partnerships between NHS Digital, national eye care transformation and medical retina department. Data captured will be shared with various stakeholders.

What does your project aim to achieve?

Project objective

– Address digital literacy amongst different patients population groups

– Address digital literacy amongst service providers – nurses and non registered staff groups

-Barriers and enablers to digital technologies adoption

-Patient population groups and technology use

– Collaborations with community groups such as religious leaders, patient societies, barbers and hairdressers, and professional societies

By addressing the above aim to reducing digital inequalities in eye care

– improved patient attendances in digital clinics

– develop culturally sensitive digital innovations

– patient empowerment thereby improving digital uptake

– improve staff awareness , improved communication and digital innovation

– establish nurse led digital innovators

How will the project be delivered?

The project will be delivered by appointing a digital practitioner in the medical retina service. The digital practitioner role include :

structured sessions in digital enhanced clinical pathways

– capturing patient stories, their experiences , monitoring attendances and challenges

– collaborations with the nursing, research, digital medicine department and medical team

– Job plan include working with patient societies

– Presenting regular audit data to the stakeholders

How is your project going to share learning?



  1. Hi Adam,

    Great to see your idea for improving digital literacy and update in both staff and service users. Q Exchange funding can't be used for a substantive post that won't be continued past the funding, so it would be great for you to consider an alternative route - perhaps backfill, upskilling members of the team and/or consultancy to be able to carry out your project.


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