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Enabling implementation of Digital D5 approach into OPD redesign

Development of resources that will support application of Digital D5: Diagnosis Design Develop Deliver Drive approach to the implementation of video based patient information into OPD redesign

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  • Idea
  • 2019

Meet the team

What is the challenge your project is going to address and how does it connect to your chosen theme?

Torbay Hospital has being using short focussed patient facing information videos (presented as web based library and app) to leverage significant pathway redesign – reducing need for pre-assesssment OPD visits (22% reduction in angiogram), reduction in length of consultations (cardiology / podiatry), improved satisfaction with consent (urology) and reduced need for follow up (30% reduction post shoulder surgery).

Our learning is that these benefits are only realised if implementation follows a structured QI / innovation methodology – encompassed in the Digital D5 approach.

The Trust is now planning to scale this approach across a minimum of 20 pathways with the aim of achieving a 4% reduction in OPD appointments. The model will be put forward for consideration for adoption across the Devon STP.

Supporting this scale of adoption and spread requires the development of a supporting toolkit that will guide clinical services through the phases of implementation.

What does your project aim to achieve?

Our aim is provide supporting materials that will enable teams to understand and apply the Digital 5D approach. These materials will be web based and use a multi-media approach, drawing on our expertise in using video as a communication tool, but also encompass downloadable interactive tools.

How will the project be delivered?

Through a collaborative co-design approach with the clinical service and QI leads we will use the  OPD change program as an opportunity to identify the key components of the toolkit.

Diagnosis: Care studies of where video based information has released capacity and avoided cost

Design: The scope of information that can be delivered and the most appropriate platforms. How to use logic models and modelling tools in order to identify points in the pathway where video based information can be introduced and the impact. Pre and post data collection requirements.

Develop: Understanding the process and factors to considered in the creation of content and platforms.

Deliver: How to actually implement the video library and connect patients to these resources.

Drive: Approaches that raise awareness amongst the public, patients (and staff) on how to engage with the new pathway eg social media

What and how is your project going to share learning throughout?

The aim of the project will be have a generic toolkit that can be used to support the implementation of video based information into pathways of care. This will be made readily available through being predominantly web based.

How you can contribute

  • What do services need to know re the implementation of video based information
  • Is this approach applicable to other digital tools used in pathway redesign


  1. Dear Kin,

    This sounds really interesting and it would be great to find out more. Is there a reference for the thesis? We have recently developed some videos to support dialysis patients that may be of interest too.

    Many thanks


  2. One of our nurses did her research thesis on this... we were looking at education pre-renal transplant... she demonstrated how important it was to ensure that patients were able to understand the videos, and their ability depended partly on their educational background and their awareness of the issues before hand.

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