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Making chronic disease management accessible and enjoyable for children

Treatment adherence is exceptionally low in children with chronic conditions. Our platform provides children with an easy, fun way to manage their condition using peer support, behavioural 'nudges' and gamification.

  • Idea
  • 2018

Meet the team: nudge me


  • Rayna Patel

The Challenge

  • Improvements in care have led to a shift in the burden of disease from infectious to chronic. This is most apparent in children with chronic disease, who are now more likely to survive into adulthood.
  • For many conditions, we know that how long children survive and their quality of life are determined to a very large extent by how well they stick to treatment plans.
  • These treatment plans are often complicated, boring and difficult to remember, leading to a lack of adherence.
  • This is compounded in children of school-age as they start gaining independence, parents have less influence and children are more aware of what their peers are or are not doing. For many children, having a chronic condition is isolating and makes them feel different from those around them, and this is particularly apparent when they have to engage with treatment.

 The Idea

  • Digital platform to facilitate comprehensive care for children with chronic conditions
  • To provide fun ways to interact with and monitor their own disease with easy access to peer support and education
  • Integration with smart devices to allow gamification of therapy, accurate measures of progress and support interaction with clinicians
  • Provide accurate data and analytics on condition management and progression to support integrated care, understanding of effectiveness of therapy and impact of relevant personal and contextual factors 
  • Widen access to high quality information sharing, education and treatment monitoring; reduction of inequalities in care delivery
  • Provide support to optimise the wider determinants of health, which we increasingly recognise as crucial to quality of life with chronic conditions
  • Facilitate the move of healthcare to the community in line with the current health system-wide effort towards empowering self-management and person-centred care

Impact and Learning

  • Peer support between children with chronic conditions; social and emotional support
  • Better individual understanding of disease, allowing patients to manage and advocate for their own condition
  • Fun user experience to make managing conditions less onerous and boring
  • Improved medication adherence
  • Improved engagement with physicians and allied therapists
  • Collaboration between healthcare providers and patients

How you can contribute

  • Expertise in paediatric chronic disease management
  • Digitising learning from behavioural science
  • Testing and development with healthcare professionals, patients, carers