Opinion pieces
Diverse views and commentary from Q, community members and across the health and care improvement landscape.
Continuous improvement and management capacity in general practice
2 October 2024 5 minute readRead about the views of leaders in general practice about the role of QI in their work amidst pressures in the sector.
Rammya Mathew
Topics- Improvement and innovation
- Improvement capability
- Improvement culture
- Innovation
- Leadership and management
- Leadership
- Management systems
- Organisational development
- Workforce and people
- Services
- Primary care
Improving patient communication and care with technology
24 September 2024 10 minute readA Q Exchange project looks at using innovative technology as part of an apporoach to reduce falls and pressure ulcers in elderly patients.
Jonathan Yazbek
Topics- Digital and data
- Digital technology
- Health sector challenges
- Health and prevention
- Long-term conditions
- Improvement and innovation
- Patient and public involvement
- Leadership and management
- Workforce and people
- Quality of care
- Patient safety
- Services
- Mental health
- Older people’s care
Applying Liberating Structures to support co-production and design
5 August 2024 4 minute readHilda Campbell MBE, CEO of COPE Scotland, shares what she’s learnt about the power of Liberating Structures for recruiting and retaining volunteers for health and care improvement.
Hilda Campbell
Topics- Improvement and innovation
- Collaboration
- Services
- Voluntary services
From furniture logistics to person-centred care
4 July 2024 3 minute readQ member Lesley Goodburn shares how storytelling empowers co-produced, continuous improvement in person-centred care.
Lesley Goodburn
Topics- Improvement and innovation
- Co-production
- Improvement culture
- Patient and public involvement
- Quality of care
- Patient experience
- Person-centred care
- Services
- End of life care
Learning from our Community Hospitals Special Interest Group
18 June 2024 5 minute readPresident of the Community Hospitals Association, Helen Tucker reflects on her improvement work with patients and communities on local health and social care services.
Helen Tucker
Topics- Health sector challenges
- COVID-19 and recovery
- Improvement and innovation
- Collaboration
- Improvement culture
- Networking
- Services
- Community services
- Voluntary services
Creating a hospital passport for patients with dementia
10 May 2024 5 minute readDiscover how a student nurse in a care home developed a hospital passport so that patients with dementia were better able to let hospital carers know how to look after their needs.
Carol Dale
Topics- Health sector challenges
- Long-term conditions
- Improvement and innovation
- Co-production
- Patient and public involvement
- Quality of care
- Health equity
- Patient experience
- Person-centred care
- Services
- End of life care
- Older people’s care
- Social care
How healing and trust play a part in health improvement
30 April 2024 4 minute readQ member Sabrina Das reflects on an Experience Day and how trust built in a local community that had suffered historical trauma contributed to its success.
Sabrina Das
Topics- Health sector challenges
- COVID-19 and recovery
- Equity, diversity and inclusion
- Health and prevention
- Improvement and innovation
- Co-production
- Collaboration
- Improvement culture
- Patient and public involvement
- Services
- Community services
- Maternity and neo-natal
- Voluntary services
Communities of Practice and QI in health and care
23 April 2024 5 minute readAfra Kelsall, Senior Advisor at the Mental Health Implementation Network (MHIN), shares her learning about the Communities of Practice model and shared decision making.
Afra Kelsall
Topics- Improvement and innovation
- Co-production
- Improvement capability
- Quality of care
- Health equity
- Services
- Community services
Addressing digital exclusion in mental health services
3 April 2024 7 minute readQ Exchange project lead Rachael Middle shares how Isle of Wight NHS Trust is improving digital inclusion for people accessing their mental health services.
Rachael Middle
Topics- Digital and data
- Digital technology
- Health sector challenges
- Equity, diversity and inclusion
- Services
- Mental health
Co-designing streamlined care for children’s services
21 February 2024 8 minute readQ Exchange project lead Clare Smith shares successes and challenges in creating a single point of access to children’s services in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.
Clare Smith
Topics- Digital and data
- Digital technology
- Health sector challenges
- Access and waiting times
- Improvement and innovation
- Co-production
- Complexity
- Patient and public involvement
- Process improvement
- Quality of care
- Patient experience
- Services
- Children and young people