Opinion pieces
Diverse views and commentary from Q, community members and across the health and care improvement landscape.
Continuous improvement and management capacity in general practice
2 October 2024 5 minute readRead about the views of leaders in general practice about the role of QI in their work amidst pressures in the sector.
Rammya Mathew
Topics- Improvement and innovation
- Improvement capability
- Improvement culture
- Innovation
- Leadership and management
- Leadership
- Management systems
- Organisational development
- Workforce and people
- Services
- Primary care
Creating a QI movement: how QI Week began
10 September 2024 3 minute readQ member Anita DeHavilland tells the story of creating QI Week running from 9 to 13 September 2024, and encourages you to get involved.
Anita DeHavilland
Topics- Improvement and innovation
- Collaboration
- Improvement culture
- Networking
- Leadership and management
- Workforce and people
Top tips for engaging stakeholders in reducing waits
16 July 2024 6 minute readFive lessons teams participating in Q Lab learned about engaging stakeholders in their work to reduce waits.
Spela Godec
Topics- Health sector challenges
- Access and waiting times
- Improvement and innovation
- Co-production
- Flow
- Improvement capability
- Improvement culture
- Process improvement
- Spread and adoption
From furniture logistics to person-centred care
4 July 2024 3 minute readQ member Lesley Goodburn shares how storytelling empowers co-produced, continuous improvement in person-centred care.
Lesley Goodburn
Topics- Improvement and innovation
- Co-production
- Improvement culture
- Patient and public involvement
- Quality of care
- Patient experience
- Person-centred care
- Services
- End of life care
Lessons in hiking: the ups and downs of making change
19 June 2024 5 minute readQ member, Guddi Singh offers three approaches for keeping perspective while engaged in the change journey.
Guddi Singh
Topics- Improvement and innovation
- Collaboration
- Complexity
- Improvement culture
- Improvement research and evaluation
- Systems change
- Leadership and management
- Leadership
Learning from our Community Hospitals Special Interest Group
18 June 2024 5 minute readPresident of the Community Hospitals Association, Helen Tucker reflects on her improvement work with patients and communities on local health and social care services.
Helen Tucker
Topics- Health sector challenges
- COVID-19 and recovery
- Improvement and innovation
- Collaboration
- Improvement culture
- Networking
- Services
- Community services
- Voluntary services
How healing and trust play a part in health improvement
30 April 2024 4 minute readQ member Sabrina Das reflects on an Experience Day and how trust built in a local community that had suffered historical trauma contributed to its success.
Sabrina Das
Topics- Health sector challenges
- COVID-19 and recovery
- Equity, diversity and inclusion
- Health and prevention
- Improvement and innovation
- Co-production
- Collaboration
- Improvement culture
- Patient and public involvement
- Services
- Community services
- Maternity and neo-natal
- Voluntary services
Three keys to advanced QI training success
4 April 2024 4 minute readQ member Caitlin Bateman reflects on the learning from University Hospitals Bristol and Weston’s QI Gold programme.
Caitlin Bateman
Topics- Improvement and innovation
- Collaboration
- Improvement capability
- Improvement culture
- Spread and adoption
- Leadership and management
- Organisational development
- Workforce and people
Keeping scepticism alive in health care improvement
28 March 2024 6 minute readExplore the role that philosophy can play in upholding an active culture of scepticism in health care improvement.
Polly Mitchell
Topics- Improvement and innovation
- Complexity
- Improvement culture
- Improvement research and evaluation
- Patient and public involvement
- Leadership and management
- Policy and regulation
- Workforce and people
Bringing a sense of shared purpose to improvement at a national scale
20 February 2024 10 minute readQ managing director Penny Pereira in conversation with Dr Amar Shah on his new role as National Clinical Director for Improvement.
Amar Shah
Penny Pereira
Topics- Improvement and innovation
- Collaboration
- Improvement culture
- Spread and adoption
- Leadership and management
- Leadership