Opinion pieces
Diverse views and commentary from Q, community members and across the health and care improvement landscape.
2 results
Improving patient communication and care with technology
24 September 2024 10 minute readA Q Exchange project looks at using innovative technology as part of an apporoach to reduce falls and pressure ulcers in elderly patients.
Jonathan Yazbek
Topics- Digital and data
- Digital technology
- Health sector challenges
- Health and prevention
- Long-term conditions
- Improvement and innovation
- Patient and public involvement
- Leadership and management
- Workforce and people
- Quality of care
- Patient safety
- Services
- Mental health
- Older people’s care
How healing and trust play a part in health improvement
30 April 2024 4 minute readQ member Sabrina Das reflects on an Experience Day and how trust built in a local community that had suffered historical trauma contributed to its success.
Sabrina Das
Topics- Health sector challenges
- COVID-19 and recovery
- Equity, diversity and inclusion
- Health and prevention
- Improvement and innovation
- Co-production
- Collaboration
- Improvement culture
- Patient and public involvement
- Services
- Community services
- Maternity and neo-natal
- Voluntary services