How do we enable the spread and adoption of complex innovations to improve health and care outcomes, efficiency or experience for patients and staff across the health and care system?
Q member Diane Ketley’s new publication for NHS Horizons ‘Leading the Spread and Adoption of Innovation and Improvement: A Practical Guide’ offers seven interconnected principles along with tools, case studies and further resources – including systems convening.
Systems convening is increasingly recognised as an enabling leadership activity to catalyse sustainable change, across challenging silos, in complex social landscapes, amid changing circumstances. Case studies of this way of working, including in the NHS (from 4 Q members), are included in the recent book ‘Systems Convening – a crucial form of leadership for the 21st century‘.
In this Q zoom we explored how systems convening could help the spread and adoption of complex innovations and improvements in the healthcare system.
Watch the recording
Please note: we experienced some lagging troubles in this video, apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.