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Sketchnoting workshop: putting learning into practice

Register for the follow up to our basics of sketchnoting workshop

10 Sep 2021
12:00 – 13:00

Online workshop

As part of our Community Space workshop series, we offered some sessions for Q members to help you learn how to sketchnote!

This second session was a follow up to our first session, and put your learning into practice. It was run by Tanmay Vora.

To sketchnote you’ll need:

  • a notepad/sketchpad with blank pages
  • Felt Tip pens of different sizes (for example: 0.4, 0.5, 1.0, Signature pens, highlighters, Brush pens)

Participants were encouraged to share creations via twitter, if comfortable, using #QCommunitySpace

The sketchnoting sessions enabled members to connect with each other, share stories and process experiences visually using sketchnoting tools.

Catch up with the session

Find out more about the first session

Connect with other Sketchnoters in the Q community

This is a member only event. Not a member of Q? Apply to access events like this and other benefits.