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EQUIP – preparing GP trainees to be the leaders, improvers and change makers of tomorrow’s General Practice

"It was at our day of celebration as each trainee stood up in front of their poster and confidently started to speak ’In my GP Practice I did...'; that was the moment I knew that the EQUIP programme had delivered."

20 Apr 2021
12:00 – 13:00


Nigel Hart is a GP and has responsibility for QI training among GP Trainees in the Northern Ireland Deanery. He designed and has been running the EQUIP (Experience in QUality ImProvement) programme annually since 2006. The EQUIP programme was featured on the website of the Royal College of General Practitioners in Feb 2020.

In this presentation Nigel will share his experiences, the good, the bad and the not-so-pretty, of endeavouring to ’awaken the curiosity’ of GP trainees to be leaders of change for improvement in General Practice.

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