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Co-creating Q’s approach to learning

A workshop led together with Helen Bevan and the Horizon's team to co-create Q's approach to learning with others in the community.

20 Jul 2017


The Health Foundation

Led by Helen Bevan and the Horizons team, the objective of this workshop is to co-create a prototype learning theory for Q that will inform the learning and development opportunities that Q offers. It will enable participants to gain an understanding of a range of theories that support learning for improvement, and bring together people who are interested in developing connections with others interested in how people learn.

Read more in Kathryn Perera’s blog.

This workshop will run from 9.00am to 1.30pm and includes lunch.


9.00am Refreshments, networking

9.30am Theories of learning for improvement

10.30am Hacking the prototype

11.30am Break

11.45am Developing the Q learning approach

1.00pm Close

1.00pm-1.30pm: Lunch and networking