Appreciative conversations have a transformative power.
Appreciative Inquiry (App Inq) is a way of looking at organisational change which focuses on identifying and doing more of what is already working, rather than looking for problems and trying to fix them. It makes rapid strategic change possible by focusing on the core strengths of an organisation and then using those strengths to reshape the future.
The newly released book Get to know Appreciating Health and Care is a treasure trove of examples of how Appreciative Inquiry has been widely used, including in strength-based leadership, quality improvement, Safety-II, and human factors.
In this session we will hear from some of the case study authors about how they have developed and used Appreciative Inquiry processes, and how staff responded to them. If you’d like to develop an appreciative project, there will be space ask questions on where to start.
“There is something magical in the sharing of stories.” – Verheijan, Tjepkama, Kabalt (2020)
This event is supported by the Learning from Excellence SIG, and will be chaired by its convener Gemma Crossingham.