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Artificial Intelligence – how might it transform improvement practice? (Tweet-chat: 8pm, #AICommunity)

Join the twitter-chat to discuss how developed AI is in health and care, what the opportunities and risks are, and what the implications of this are on improvement practice.

20 Mar 2018

Online twitter-chat

How developed is Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Health and care? What are the opportunities and risks? What are the implications of this on improvement practice?

At a recent Q visit to Royal Bournemouth Hospital, these were just some of the questions we opened up, and in this tweet-chat we’ll explore these questions further – with those who have a deep knowledge and interest in the application of AI.

The 5 questions we’ll focus on during the tweet-chat are:

  1. Where do you see the main use cases (problems to solve) for AI now?
  2. How can we make potential applications of AI accessible to the improvement practitioners?
  3. Where do you see the main use cases for AI in the future 3-5 years?
  4. What narrative will help healthcare professionals see AI as an opportunity rather than a threat?
  5. How do we promote user-driven design and focus on citizen needs in creating these use cases?

Use the hashtag: #AICommunity

This tweet-chat is a collaboration between the Q community (Q Visits team), NHS Horizons (AI community) and the AHSN Network.