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Special Interest Group

Tips for interactive zoom sessions

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Hi all, these are personal notes I took during a fab online session today with Henry at Happy Ltd. These notes are shared freely by me for the benefit of other NHS staff for whom they may be useful. You can also look up Happy Ltd at some of the fab training they offer (which is free for NHS staff).

Discussion (2)

  1. Thanks for sharing this. It is a wonderful helpful Zoom guide,. I tried something new today; putting people into Zoom breakout rooms as they arrived so they could have some little informal chats and catch up. It seemed to go down quite well. To start with, I let participants into the main room as they arrived, said hello and told them I was going to pop them into small groups so they could have chat etc. Very much the same as groups of people who arrive into a workshop room grouping together and chatting. It saved us all just sat there looking at each other at the start etc. And also allowed me to do a bit of last minute prep!!. You just need to remember to create several breakout rooms and then allocate people to them as they arrive.

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