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Special Interest Group Convenor’s Annual Check-in

This form is here to help you reflect on your progress, and to help you identify the areas in which you could use more support, either from Q or from your peers.

This form comes in three parts:

  1. The Special Interest Group online space — does it need updating?
  2. The Special Interest Group’s convenors and allies — who are your allies and most engaged followers right now?
  3. Commitment and Expectations — is your relationship with the convening work still healthy or does it need adjusting?

"(required)" indicates required fields

Convenor's Annual Check-in

(Section 1 of 3)
A learning question is a question that points at what the group is trying to explore. It's a way to invite new members to a shared knowledge journey.
Please upload your updated image.
Max. file size: 100 MB.

The SIG's convenors and allies

(Section 2 of 3) Tip: co-convenors and allies are usually the first ones to sign up for events and respond to posts within the SIG, but more than that they're the people who can help you bring interesting topics of conversation to your SIG. They can also connect you to possible speakers for webinars, and problem-solve with you. Always ask for the help you need.
If you're not the sole convenor, who are the others?
Who are your allies now and who do you know who could be one in the future?
Though allies are not required, they are highly recommended for an active SIG. It's recommended that all SIGs have at least 3 allies, but some bigger SIGs have more.

Commitment and Expectations

(Section 3 of 3)
Choose 3 things the convenors are excited to host/experience themselves and/or a continuation of previous good work that's been done in the SIG.
As a convenor, you gain access in multiple Q funding streams. If you mark 'yes', the Q funding team will contact you with further information.
Examples: setting up zooms, promoting events, sourcing a Health Foundation speaker, strategizing your SIG's next steps etc. Also feel free to ask for new kinds of support below.