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Special Interest Group

Quality Improvement in Care Homes

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About this group

Are you interested in quality improvement in care homes?

Hi! My name’s Andrea and I work at the Health Innovation Network South London. We support local health and social care organisations to speed up the spread and adoption of innovation. My team is particualarly invested in supporting care homes. We run a leadership development and quality improvement programme (with My Home Life England) for care home leaders and would love to connect with others across the UK who are similarly focused on quality improvement in care homes.

Let’s share ideas, progress and approaches and celebrate the richness of this important sector.

This group is convened by Andrea Carter

Active members

  • Photo of Sarah Stanbury
  • Photo of Lisa Maynard
  • Photo of Joriam Ramos
  • Photo of Evelyn Prodger
  • Photo of Laura Grimshaw
  • Photo of Krishna Nair
  • Photo of Breid O'Brien
  • Photo of Cat (Cathriona) Sullivan