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  • Rosie Graham posted an update in the group Understanding alternatives to traditional models of outpatients 4 years, 11 months ago

    One week to go until the second in our series of feedback webinars: Q Exchange building improvement capability and skills for improvement webinar

    Designed to offer advice and information to Q members that applied for a Q Exchange award, the webinar will be a chance to hear about:
    • the learning from the 10 Q member led peer review panels about the 117 Q Exchange bids they assessed
    • the themes that emerged under the category of ‘Building improvement capability and skills for improvement’
    • thoughts about how to take the next steps and continue with your idea.

    When: 07 November 2019, 12.30-13.30

    The webinar is hosted by:
    • Steve Yarnold, Associate Director for Quality Improvement, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
    • Jonathan West, Senior Nurse, Quality Improvement and Development, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
    • Anna Burhouse, Director of Quality, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.
    • Zoe Brewster, Project Lead for Q Exchange

    Webinar zoom call:
    Register in advance for this meeting – After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
    Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 177 585 905
    Dial by your location: +44 203 966 3809 United Kingdom