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Maria Dorthea Skov's activity

In group: Liberating Structures in healthcare

Image of 'Maria Dorthea Skov
  • Maria Dorthea Skov posted an update in the group Liberating Structures in healthcare 2 weeks ago

    Hi folks,

    Announcing October’s Liberating Structure: Troika Consulting.

    We’ll be trying it out together on Thursday 3rd Oct, 12-1pm, facilitated by @joepower and @clareclark

    We actually did Troika in the extended meet-up last week so this is an opportunity for those of you who couldn’t make it then and/or have a current work challenge that they’d like peer-to-peer coaching support with.

    Everyone will have the opportunity to both receive and give coaching. And as always – everyone’s welcome.

    Register here:

    • We used Troika consulting at a QI Alumni event organised by Healthcare Improvement Scotland and NHS Education Scotland, there were more than 100 people in attendance including colleagues visiting from Ireland and parts of mainland Europe. This rated as one of the most popular activities. It was also a great opportunity to hear of shared challenges and find collective solutions from colleagues working in different settings and countries. If not tried before, or wanting to learn more, well worth attending this session.

      I am sorry I wont be able to attend, I am involved in developing and delivering a programme for wellbeing for the third sector workforce and that day we are offering a workshop on compassion fatigue and burnout.

      The third sector play a vital role in health and social care and yet its rare you see on television the stress they are under and the lack of resourcing for service development or pay increases. I mention this as if anyone is working with colleagues in the third sector, especially small ones with direct links into communities through their governance structures, please acknowledge what they offer as they too are doing their best in challenging times and if they go under, this will only put a further strain on health and social care services.

      Maybe an area if of interest to organise a community discussion on? Happy to be part of organising. How do we use liberating structures to improve collaboration and unleash the improvement potential which can exist when working across diverse sectors

      Have a weekend offers reasons to smile. We have friends coming over from Germany so looking forward to that as not seen them for ages

      Kind regards

      • I’d be up for supporting this Hilda. I think it’d be worth identifying who in Q are connected to the Third Sector and how we could bring their networks to a conversation like that?

      • I would be interested in a community discussion on this.

    • Hi Maria

      I think a sense of who 3rd sector colleagues are could be identified via the map Drew is working on. There are so many elements of connecting different groups. Initially my thinking is we look at groups with a similar theme around network weaving and combine them so there are fewer groups but those that are there have a clear focus for people to engage with. Perhaps there needs to be another session for third sector colleagues to see who is out there and how they are connecting? A challenge as I don’t currently have any funding to support the time I invest in Q groups is how much time I can invest, so for now, I need to consider where I can invest time with most impact. Once we identify what we are doing about a group with a focus on network weaving we can then see who in third sector is currently involved/who else needs to be brought on board if they want. Does that make sense?

    • Hi Clare

      I hope all is well. That’s great you are up for a chat about this, super, Krishna has reached out to Joriam and Tarnia to share our ideas and see how we can link to wider Q team, I will keep posting in this space any updates. you can also email me directly
      Have a great day

    • Hi, happy to support discussion in this area. The purpose of my role is to develop partnerships between VCSE/third sector/insert preferred term (!) and the integrated care system that I work in. There’s a lot of good work happening around the country but I’m not sure if members of the third sector group are plugged in. Maria and I were emailing a few months ago but I’ve been quite stretched recently. Sorry Maria!

      • Hi Sonal

        I had suggested just now in another space perhaps looking at a 90min session part of which is sharing examples of where working across sectors is working well and then maybe using some liberating structures/network weaving activities to explore how further work can be built, if enough of us are up for organising this and we all do a wee bit we could make it happen 🙂

    • Maybe it’s worth getting on a quick call for any initial discussion in the coming weeks? I could set up a doodle to find a time. @hilda-campbell-mbe @clareclark @sonal? and no worries Sonal, I know how it is 😉

    • Sounds like as plan. I think its important to get a sense of the third sector groups within Q and their size. I appreciate the focus on large charities, but they can be impacted by funding/staff absence/delays just the same as smaller ones, but often smaller ones have more direct links into the community through volunteers etc and are less ‘projects’ and more part of community infrastructure. Watching question time last night I was mindful of the example of a GP practice to overcome the challenges of children getting access to CAMHS they pulled resources and hired their own counsellor. There is no one response will fix it all, but discounting the impact of small charities focusing only on the large you may miss the impact they make and attribute it elsewhere. For integration its finding ways that all those involved in addressing an issue (for me my interest is mental health and impact of poverty and diseases of despair) can find ways to work together on a local as well as regional level.
      What larger charities do have are more resources than smaller ones and perhaps we explore one of them taking the lead on this work within Q?

      Just an idea. have a great weekend all and happy to be included in a doodle poll to have an initial chat

      Hilda 🙂