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Geri Briggs

Senior Programme Manager, Patient Safety. Therapeutic Radiographer

Oxford Academic Health Science Network Patient Safety Collaborative

Image of 'Geri Briggs

Member's groups

  • Allied Health Professions in Quality Improvement

    We are hoping to raise the curiosity and profile of AHPs in Quality Improvement. We are looking for the inquisitive, the enthusiast and the improvement gurus to share the possibilities and experiences of quality […]

  • Organisational Resilience & Safety-II

    We strive to provide high quality, safe care whilst operating in a complex environment, facing considerable uncertainty on a daily basis. The degree of volatility, complexity, uncertainty and ambiguity is […]

  • Co-production

    In co-produced health care, organisations work with people who use services, carers and communities in equal partnership. It’s easy to do it wrong and quite hard to get it right, but it isn’t rocket science, and […]

  • Learning from Excellence

    Whilst it is important to learn from events where things have not gone well, the majority of healthcare interactions go safely. Despite this, we have focus the much of our learning about safety from adverse events, […]

  • Communities of Practice

    The group aims to bring together people who are interested in setting up Communities of Practice, or have already set them up, to share their experiences and knowledge.

    This group was initiated by Cleo […]

  • Radiotherapy Quality

    This SIG is formed to facilitate sharing of information, expertise and learning for the benefit of patient safety and quality improvement in Radiotherapy service.

    The group aims to bring together radiotherapy […]

  • Medicine Management

    The purpose of this SIG is to address the challenges facing all health and social care providers in managing medicines.
    Effective medicine management is fundamentally important for patient care. In England, the […]

  • Oxford AHSN (Thames Valley area) Group

    A group for Q members in the Thames Valley area to communicate, share and learn with and from each other. Supported by the Oxford Patient Safety Collaborative as part of the Oxford AHSN.

    This group is […]