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Clive Acraman

Director Health and Care at Home Ltd Director Planning with People Ltd

Health and Care at Home Ltd

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I would like you to know I am a leader, a colleague, a carer and a friend. Appreciative Leadership is my business. I believe that the people who provide our services are equally important as those who use them.

Since 1981, I have gained a wealth of experience supporting Children and their Families, and Adults in a variety of settings.  My experience includes supporting people who live in or experience Residential Care, Domiciliary Care, Community Hospital and Nursing Services, Early Years and Child Protection Social Work. While I believe there is no substitute for experience, this also has to be supported by a theoretical understanding of what we do and why we do it (Praxis). To inform my practice, I have gained degrees in Social Work, Child Protection and a Doctorate through Action Research. This underpins my approach to Organisational Learning and the Personalisation of Service Delivery.

I am a leader who enjoys taking people on a journey of personal and professional exploration. Only when organisations and the people who work in them have a shared vision, understand their purpose, individual and team roles are they able to truly personalise the way they care for and support the people who use their service. When commissioners, service providers and the people who use services share their knowledge, talents and skills they are able to coproduce meaningful, sustainable, cost effective, high-quality outcomes.

I have a burning passion for making a tangible difference for people who require additional care (and) or support at any stage of their life. I believe that no person or community is hard to reach, we simply need to engage and communicate effectively in order to understand their bespoke needs.

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