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Andrea Gibbons's activity

In group: Building improvement capability across boundaries

Image of 'Andrea Gibbons
  • Andrea Gibbons posted an update in the group Building improvement capability across boundaries 4 years, 9 months ago

    Unfortunately I wasn’t able to attend today’s call due to a preexisting meeting! I hope it went well and that you all found it productive.

    A couple of questions if I may (and apologies if they were answered on the call – I will listen the recording):

    1) Is it possible to link a graphic or document to the bid (in addition to the main photo and budget template)? I would like to add a driver diagram.

    2) In terms of budget. Can we use the funding for time of the core team? Specifically, if someone does – for example – an extra day a week for the duration of the project (for example for creation of resources, website, training etc). I assume so given that the alternative is to use external resource such as consultants but would appreciate clarity on this point.

    Thank you!

    • I am also interested in the answer to your second question.

    • Hi Andrea,

      You will not be able to add or upload documents so we would encourage the use of links. You can add links into any of the main body of text. The ‘How will the project be delivered?’ section may be good place to add the link for your driver diagram.

      In answer to your second question, funding could be used for backfill or to support some of the core teams time as long as this is not the sole cost for the project. Non-substantive project roles such as a project manager or researcher could also be eligible however substantive posts would not be eligible.

      Many thanks, Rosie