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  • Hi Tom,
    It is interesting to hear your feedback. This time last year I was really excited and pleased to see the article being published and represented well our community of quality professionals.

    However one year later when I look back I feel we have come a long way after doing lots of reading around safety management, safety I and II, quality improvement and importance of leadership. This was the main message we tried to deliver at our annual RTQ SIG meeting at HF 2 weeks ago.

    Our world is highly regulated highly ordered and highly reliant on automation and technology. We can breakdown our processes into every details and achieve ultra high reliability compare to other disciplines. But our world is very different from the majority where too many transient events take place and environment is much less predictable.

    We have alot to learn from safety II if we want to provide patient centred care and involve patients to help co-design services.

    QMS give the services a good infrastructure but quality is a much bigger picture than just QMS.
