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    • Hi Jo
      Welcome to the staff wellbeing SIG, this is a members space, so any ideas of things you would like to see here, or share, please do feel free to post.

      It would be great if you ever had a wee bit time to offer a lunchtime session on being active for home workers, or anyone who spends a long time on a laptop. This came up at a recent session where we were all talking about the need to move more not only when working on screen but at online meetings!! anything you have to share around this would be very welcome, if this was possible. I totally understand due to pressures of work it may not be but just asking in case as while posting links like the one I did earlier (taking breaks at work) is good, some kind of interactive session would be even better, if possible.

      I look forward to connecting with you further in whatever way works best for you

      Kind regards

    • I’m so sorry for such a delay in responding! For some reason the email notification went into my junk folder – I’ve now changed the settings! The lunchtime session sounds like a fab idea, would definitely be interested in hearing more about the type of thing you’d be after! Give me a little bit of time to have a chat to one of my colleagues who I think might have some fab ideas, and I’ll be back in touch!