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Shannon Hughes Spence's activity

In group: Power of Storytelling in Health

Image of 'Shannon Hughes Spence
  • Shannon Hughes Spence posted an update in the group Power of Storytelling in Health 1 year, 11 months ago

    Hi all.

    We are currently undertaking a research project funded through the Health Foundation Q Exchange. In collaboration with the Health Service Executive Ireland, a team based at University College Dublin (UCD) is writing to invite your participation in new research to explore staff experiences of the extraordinary delivery of healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic response to generate practical, applied learning for the continued reform and improvement of care delivery services and Quality Improvement (QI) education. 

    As part of this research, we are inviting your participation in a one-on-one interview that will take no longer than 30 minutes to complete. By sharing your story, we aim to understand how Ql was utilised during Covid-19 and if the QI changes that were implemented during the pandemic were sustained (and why/why not). All interviews will be conducted remotely and at a time convenient for participants. Participation in interviews will be confidential, and the identity of participants will not be revealed. Participation in the research is entirely voluntary and will be conducted in participants’ own time. The research has received an ethical exemption from the UCD Research Ethics Committee (LS-E-22-30-Spence-deBrun).

    If you are interested in taking part, please contact the email address provided below. If you have any questions about the study before participating, please do not hesitate to contact the same email address with any concerns. We are eager to learn from your experiences and hope you are willing to support this work. Please feel free to share this invite in your networks and forward it to anyone who may be interested in taking part. 

    You can also view the previous output from the initial round of data collection here:

    Many thanks for your consideration, 

    Shannon Hughes Spence
    Research Assistant, 
    School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems,
    University College Dublin.