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Damian Roland's activity

In group: Digital

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  • Damian Roland posted an update in the group Digital 1 year, 11 months ago

    Hi All – we’ve been fortunate in being short-listed for a QExchange award. We are wanting to look at how operationally data is used in decision making, particularly if that data is predictive of future workload.
    We are still refining our idea and very happy to take suggestions about how it can be improved and whether you would like to collaborate.

    • Super interesting work! (methods are way beyond my own expertise, but I can immediately see why this work is really important for all of us working in an acute hospital setting) Quite a lot might come down to how predictive the model is in the real-life setting, and what are the consequences experienced when the model gets it wrong: – and the attitudes of staff may take a while to shift likely informed by their personal experience. The qualitative approach will definitely give you interesting information. I wonder whether you might find different things in focus groups vs individual 1:1 interviews, as people might disclose different things in 1:1 compared to a group of their peers.

      • Thank you Sarah – a brilliant insight in that the data failing has potentially some longer term deleterious impacts! I think it would be an amazing finding to show that trust in data has short and medium term consequences (I can’t find research on this but there must be some….)

        Definitely will be aiming to use a range of qualitative approaches