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Timothy Mason's activity

In group: Delivering Virtual Training (#ConnectingImprovers)

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  • Timothy Mason posted an update in the group Delivering Virtual Training (#ConnectingImprovers) 3 years, 7 months ago

    Hello All
    We moved simulation training online and have been debriefing over MS teams. We’ve filmed 360 videos of simulation scenarios and for training. The feedback has been good and the videos can be re-used for different groups easily. Lots of discussion around non-technical skills and processes as well as medical learning.
    Feedback has been very good and seems to plug a gap. The 360 element means you can look around the room by swiping the screen (or move head in a headset).

    Does aytone this his could be expanded/ taken into new areas?

    • This looks fantastic. I think most Trusts would love to hear more about how you have put this together and are running it- are you sharing this work anywhere more widely?

    • A few people are doing it. Nick Peres in south Devon and Jordan Tsigarides in Norfolk are the leaders in the area using it for clinical training etc.
      Its fairly easy to do and doesn’t cost too much (in comparison to other modalities).

      I’m presenting it at the PIER conference in october and hopefully at ASPIH in November.

    • Hi we are developing a sim resource too and have submitted it to Q exchange would appreciate feedback

    • Looks like a great idea. Do you have facilitators or debriefs (remote or in person)?
      360 video would be a fantastic way to film in theatre as you can direct which staff member you want to watch (depending on what you want to get out of the sim).

      I’ve run sessions remotely (not live) and in person with VR headsets. Both prompted great discussion of medical learning and NTS afterwards.

    • Have you seen 360 video in action as it might fit your simulated scenarios well (especially in theater as you could see the whole team)?