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Matthew Mezey's activity

In group: Exploring Adaptive Space – community of practice

Image of 'Matthew Mezey
  • Matthew Mezey posted an update in the group Exploring Adaptive Space – community of practice 4 years ago

    Applying Cynefin and Complexity Thinking to Navigate the COVID-19 Crisis – Zoom on 2nd April

    This looks very interesting – with some big names, including Sonja Blignaut, who has worked with Prof Mary Uhl-Bien.

    More info and link to register:

    From the webpage:

    The current COVID-19 crisis is an unprecedented situation that challenges any leadership team and their plans going forward. The speed with which remote working has been thrust on organizations, and the complexity surrounding even the simplest tasks, means that leadership – and the decisions they make – are in the spotlight. Yet, historical performance and depth of experience do little to prepare leaders for this level of almost real-time change and uncertainty.

    Change is happening everywhere we look. Novel, creative solutions are emerging before our eyes. The challenge facing leaders across the world is two-fold: (1) how to nurture and drive the right positive actions to break out of the chaotic space and (2) how to sense novel solutions as they emerge so organizations can grasp and build upon those ideas.

    This is the domain of the foremost thinkers in complexity thinking. Join Ann Pendleton-Jullian, Alicia Juarrero, Valdis Krebs in conversation with Dave Snowden and Sonja Blignaut for a 90-minute discussion on complexity, chaos and COVID-19.

    Listen to a panel of the world’s experts discussing how to navigate the complexity and chaos of your once-familiar markets and operating environments and the uncertainty and doubt impacting your staff.

    Find out how to take actions that move your organization towards certainty and safety and how to tap into your organization’s inherent creativity.

    The panellists are donating their time for this webinar, and ask in return, if you can afford/spare it, for a donation to the International Committee of the Red Cross in support of their work supporting those most at risk from COVID-19 .

    Register for the Zoom Webinar at: