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Anna Burhouse's activity

In group: Building improvement capability across boundaries

Image of 'Anna Burhouse
  • Anna Burhouse posted an update in the group Building improvement capability across boundaries 4 years, 9 months ago

    Hi all,

    How’s it going? There are just a few days left to refine ideas. Does anybody need any help or want to share their learning so far?

    • Hi Anna
      Just wonder if quantity of feedback on the Q idea page would be used to judge engagement. One of the feedback we had from previous year was there s a lack of conversation recorded on the idea page. We’ve received a few comments but alot of conversations also took place on our existing mailing list and not recorded on Q. Would this be a concern to the assessors?

      • I’m not sure about this Isabel. Maybe Rosie will be able to help us out on this one and share her thoughts?

      • Isabel, Looking at some of last year’s winners it’s not considered – but I think it should be!

      • Hi Isabel and Thomas,

        The number of comments on an idea page is not an assessment criteria so there is not target number to aim for. There are however a couple of relevant assessment criteria to take into consideration shared below (all criteria can be seen in the applicant guidance document

        • The challenge is grounded in various forms of evidence (existing literature, policies) and informed by key people in the field (stakeholders, patients, Q members etc).

        • The project team have demonstrated engagement around the theme with the Q community (connecting and interacting with members and other Q exchange projects, responding to comments, engaging in group discussions etc).

        Assessors will be looking for engagement which could include, but is not limited to, comments on idea pages. If you have undertaken stakeholder engagement off the idea pages, either face-to-face or by other means such as the mailing list you mention this is great and I would advise sharing this on your idea page. You could share how you are engaging with stakeholders on your page and if appropriate you could share some of the conversations you are having or feedback received and what impact this has or may have.

        Many thanks, Rosie

    • Thanks Anna. I’ve had some very supportive and helpful comments on my two ideas but a few more would be nice just to help with the final update to the idea page. Here they are if anyone would like to comment:
      Thanks. Regards Tom

    • It’s great that you have had some helpful feedback Tom. If anyone in the group has any thoughts then please do post them on Tom’s pages I’m sure this would be supportive.