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Matthew Bell's activity

In group: Reimagining Health and Care

Image of 'Matthew Bell
  • Matthew Bell posted an update in the group Reimagining Health and Care 4 years, 11 months ago

    Hi everyone, really great opportunity to join an online event hosted by Jackie Le Fevre.

    Join us to explore how storytelling can reveal values in a team or organisation.
    “Because stories allow us to express our values not as abstract principles, but as lived experience, they have the power to move others” Marshall Ganz

    • Looks interesting. Great video here showing Gantz’s public narrative technique in action and one I have seen used by others with huge impact. I often use this when coaching story telling skils for leaders. Appealing to values is very powerful and so, as is cautioned by several organsiations who use this, you have to really mean it. The backlash, when it proves not to be authentic can be brutal, as many politicians know!